I can’t explain why it does but it does. I realise all my flaws, I know them too well. I moved on and accepted them in most cases so I should be fine if someone calls me useless if I already know I am right? Well, no. I’m gonna burst into tears. I have no idea why I do this or how to stop. If I was at a therapist and they told me I had misophonia and stated the symptoms I’d absolutely bawl my eyes out right as they opened their mouth. I can’t explain why, I know it already so why react this way to that? Maybe it’s cause like, I keep the knowledge of my flaws secret? Perhaps it’s that I have it all bottled up and as soon as someone mentions it I wanna talk about it so much but can’t say anything and cry instead? What could it be? Why would I care so much about others saying what I already know?