This basically sums up my life. I can’t figure out how to break the stupid cycle so I find bad coping skills after bad coping skills and damage myself in the process. It’s impossible. I keep buying stupid stuff but I don’t need it and in an hour I won’t even want it. I cut myself for years and it was scary how little it hurt. At times it hurt so bad I couldn’t do it and that’s what hurt. I do stupid things to like act confident and end up embarrassing myself. I hate it so much but I can’t stop doing it.
Does anyone else do this?
You’re just being waaaay too hard on yourself. Some people are naturally confident, others have to learn how to be.
I was a confident kid but once I hit my teens and learned where I fell in the pecking order, I lost my confidence. Plus I had other problems and it took me at least until my 20s to regain my self-esteem back.
But often times I wasn’t confident when I should’ve been, it takes practice too. Esp. when you learn so many people out there can be azholes and you need to stand your ground.
As for the cutting, sorry I can’t really relate-I’ve read it could be a brain disorder, though perhaps it can be controlled. What I usually advise is to substitute it for something less harmful. Some people wear a rubber band and sting themselves when they feel some anxiety.
Self-harm is detrimental in many ways. Also keep in mind if one day you decide you want to end your life, you need to be fairly healthy and functional.
If you body stops working because of self-harm, they’ll just hook you up to machines in the hospital and force you to keep living for decades against your will.
Change comes from within, if you want your life to get better, you must look after yourself first. Many of us are going through our own struggles too…I’ve given myself roughly 10 years to improve my existence, if I fail then that’s it, I’m “checking out.”
thank you that’s actually super eye-opening
I hope things get better for you. I can relate to your ten-year plan