What is love? Why do kids have crushes? Why do they seek love from another at such a young age. Only those who have seen “love” don’t seek it from others. I have seen “love” that turned into hatred so quickly. I am afraid to love. Afraid to feel. Because love can cause only troubles. Mishap. Your love will move on. Love will not stay. It is a shifty thing. Why love at this age?
I am aro, i choose not to love romantically. all my relationships have ended with my partner cheating on me/catching feelings for someone else. (my first “love” being a 20 something man on skype grooming a 12ish year old me on skype, he always asked for pictures… never did, thank god)
most recently, i had made a mistake to “try” loving again, which ended up having my ex breaking up with me, becoming obsessed with me and cyberstalking me.
i cannot tell you what love is, im sure i’ve probably felt romantic love once in my life, but i don’t really remember what it’s like, but i like being myself. i don’t like tying myself down to someone. but.. i do seek love or comfort from my friends. its easy to say “I love you” to a friend, because i absolutely mean it.
am i afraid to love? maybe, after all my experiences, i would say so. but heartbreak always comes in life, whether it be romantic love or losing a friend. love changes and so do people, whether its for the best or the worst is only the end of an era for you. it hurts to see people move on without you, but you must learn to also move on for yourself.
I’m sorry you had bad experiences. That seems to happen more often than not. Me, I actually had good people on the other end of my relationships. I’m the fuckup, the reason they all fell apart. I can’t even blame love. So I say if anyone can make it work then more power to them. Younger people especially, it’s one of the few simple joys they’ll ever know before life gets complicated.
If it turned into hatred so quickly maybe it wasn’t love, maybe it was bottled up expectations, threats and jealousy? Maybe they didn’t love you, but rather the image of you that they had created in their mine, or maybe even worse, the person they wanted to shape you into.