The thing is… in my opinion God/Higher power whatever you want to call him, he will put us through things, sometimes unfathomable things that no human could or should have to endure. I know I’m being pushed to that point knowing the only option is death by our own hands, of course God knows this, he planned it that way. Thus is my view on this subject. He planned for my sister to die in her sleep after an od. He planned to take my whole family before me, I’m the last to go. I’m under 35 years old.
Hi my dear sibling, I’m incredibly sorry for your losses. I wish to reassure and comfort you, that your family members are in a peaceful place, that they feel loved and are still living in the other world, that they see us and wish us to have our heart filled with love and to genuinely love our neighbours. whereas taking one’s life is a self-made decision (man thinking he knows better). God helps all the suffering, we only need to ask for Him to fill our heart with peace and Love.
If he knows that, he’s with you, maybe there’s hope, maybe he’ll pull you out of the fire. Maybe you aren’t alone.
I spent so long as an agnostic, wandering around trying to ignore him, but the things that have happened in the last few weeks I can’t ignore him. It feels like he’s right next to me, and he has a specific plan for me, like he wants me to live.
The thing is I’m as big a screw up as there’s ever been. So the idea that the creator of the universe would want to do something with me is kind of incredible.
I don’t think he put me through any of it. I think I went through it because I’m a stubborn jerk, well, and because some of the people who claim to follow him actually are materialistic jerks.
Hi dear brother in Christ, I’m sooo glad to hear from you and about your path, if you wish please let us know what things have happened this last few weeks. Thank you!
I don’t often lay it out in these terms, but my career path is a mission field, I seem to be a magnet for people that society discards. Most of the time it’s just listening to them, sometimes I have some good direction to give. Twenty years on, I’ve gotten more into the community spirit of it than the spiritual side.
The last seven months my post has been working for the state helping people get food stamps, childcare and medical services. I’ve worked for the state before in child welfare, and I call it a post because it’s very much like being in the military; you show up to your assignment and you do a job. How you do it is up to you.
I found a lot of fufillment and joy in it. In both of the posts I had, I could tell that God was with me. I was given favor, in ways that I hadn’t experienced before. It was a burden as well, but God helped me endure. In my darkest moments, he would bring me people to encourage me.
Then, suddenly on Thursday the post ended. My boss pulled me into an office and relieved me of duty. It wasn’t disciplinary, I didn’t do anything wrong. She couldn’t tell what was happening either. I could smell him, larger things were going on. I lay down my tools, thanked them with a full heart.
Since I’ve felt a lot of joy. I feel him with me every day. He’s active, in a way he’s never been before. I feel wanted and needed. I feel like I’m going somewhere.
I don’t know what any of it means, but I’m happy to wait and find out. My prayers are being answered. I’m seen, and necessary which is all I ever desired. He’s been teaching me the exact skills I need for this next stage.
I really do consider God just another way to describe the infinite, the unending indescribable energy that transcends time. The most important thing such a being can teach us is humility, and I try to learn that, I need it more than ever.
My dad has a degree in Christian education, so I can get off in the weeds on theology sometimes. All this to say, things are going on, and if I’m interpreting correctly, those things are a set up for something amazing. I am though, just a simple creature, so I may always be wrong.
your story is sooo awesome, you’re doing the most meaningful and significant my dear brother, you’re taking the best opportunities that life is giving you and you’re using them in the most meaningful and eternal way, to love our neighbour, which grants us imperishable riches.
among the people in this blog, those who do the most unfortunate action suddenly find themselves in the other world, their pain has not disappeared, the despair is still there, the anti-socialness and selfishness of not loving God and our neighbour. God indeed wants us saved sooo much more than we ourselves do.
I take example from your life description brother in Christ, I tend to waste my time by being distracted with anti-social activities like the termial and operating systems, and would like to instead do what you do, and be super productive towards helping my neighbour, succeed in being an english teacher, and do the pinnacle of inner fulfillment and socialness which is loving our neighbour in true action. Thank you for sharing my brother!
yes my dear sibling, He Loves us sooo much, He wishes us to surrender our whole heart to Him to be healed completely, infinitely much more than we do.