The deep friendship that allowed me to open my heart had to end. She and I were passionate about art and found deep meaning in it that also deepened our friendship. However, an artwork I made last year depicted two people caring for each other. It was pure and innocent. However, these two people were naked (to symbolize vulnerability) and she took it as something sexual, which our friendship was strictly not. I understand nudity can bring sexual thoughts. The people in the artwork were inspired by us, but not us at all. I thought that was the end of the discussion.
One year goes by and the subject of the artwork comes up again (after not having thought of it since), which she said that it’s getting in the way of our friendship. I assured her again that it was nothing like she interpreted it to be. She asked me to “destroy it by burning it with a witness”, which I was going to do out of frustration and to end the argument. However, art being important to us, this was the wrong way to go about it. I reflected on it and came to to the conclusion that she had to destroy it herself to take ownership of her own emotions (I was fine with it being destroyed. It’s what it symbolized). She said she “never wanted to lay eyes on it again”. That defiled, disrespected and essentially raped my artwork and my emotions. Therefore, I decided to write “THIS IS A PIECE OF SHIT” and crossed out the two people in the artwork then sent her pictures of it torn up. I defiled and disrespected her emotions because she couldn’t face them herself – my mistake and I owned it.
Burning the remains would’ve “purified” it so I threw it away and I actually take solace in it rotting away amongst other trash at the dump site…
Pretty deep
At least you’re certain about all this. It sucks that a close friendship had to end like this. Especially considering it was over a piece from a year ago. I suppose it really ate at her. Relationships of any kind can be a lot of work. Sorry that it ended the way it did.
For further context, she went to a Christian ministry (pretty much like a psychologist appointment for Christians) late 2024 where that subject came up after not having thought of it in the time between.
We have mutual friends. Some know but the majority don’t know what has happened. It’s going to be fun interactions hahaha
I’m actually surprised that a situation like this didn’t bring up my demonic thoughts.