today i am visiting the beach. Â upon my arrival i discovered two lovely young women and a strong and kind young man. Â the young man helped me to move what’s left of the broken piano to the fire. Â the women took turns being mermaids in the waves and we played for hours. Â what more could i have hoped for? Â why am i still so so unhappy?
If you dont have one you should get a dog! sorry if this sounds so random but i just see beach and it reminds me of taking my dogs there and they love it so much it always makes me happy and I lose myself and my worrys for a while. soory if this comment is totally unrelevant to your situation. Goodluck in finding the happiness you deserve! xo
not irrelevant at all. i love dogs. that’s a splendid idea. maybe i can find one to borrow for a few hours. i worry that i have difficulty enough caring for myself so keeping one my not be all the way perfect.
Joe – talk to a rescue group – they always need temporary foster homes for dogs and cats … and they usually cover all vet costs perhaps the best of both worlds – do something good for the dog and the rescue, and get the benefit of testing the feasibility of having a dog 🙂
Just make sure you and the rescue are in agreement for the length of time you will keep the dog so it doesn’t end up getting dumped unexpectedly
rescue dawg