I was sitting here in my room its 4:46 in the morning and i just realized, i came face to face with her killer. he even took me to her funeral, i dont belive it. im shedding tears and i dont even mean to cry but it makes my heart skip a beat to belive i just realized something so cold. He gave her every single pill knowing her problem. His voice is in my head and how he cryed at the funeral and couldnt even stand to go to the barial cause he know he fucking did it, i am so angry now i could kill him. he played her and used her! she was a good girl you scum bag….
March 15,2012
18 yrs old. 19 in Augest.
R.I.P Korttany Elise Shennum
Died of Over Dose In her Sleep
Illegal Concoxtion opiets vicoden and alcohol & Various Perscription Drugs.
you will forever be missed my love for ever in my heart and i promise to get peace and closure for the both of us!
i will never know if it was suicide or not but i belive in my heart it was addiction.
1 comment
A sad reality of drug and alcohol use is that sometimes people overdose accidentally.
If the person is using to self medicate it can look like suicide.
But drug and alcohol use can cause depression so it becomes a cycle.
Getting clean has to be a priority.
I’m sorry for your loss.