Hey everyone, long story short ive gone through way too much in my life for too long and it continues i debate taking my life constantly but i stay alive i cant take no more yet i keep going, anyway, i just hope that people are using this site to be able to relate to each other and talk to each other and help each other, so that us that feel alone, dont have to anymore…if i could be there for everyone i would but ill keep trying cause nobody deserves to feel the way we do…if anyone ever wants to just talk or just needs someone there for them e-mail me at mkafan12@yahoo.com but i do hope as much as we may want to end it or feel awful or anything that we help each other and be there for each other cause i know for sure thats what i need is just someone who understands and can just listen…
hi Christina, We all need someone to understand us, yet the more mess up you are the less people will understand you. But I totally agree with your post, and though half of me is a little confuse about this site, I was able to discuss my issues to a ex love that needed to not hear them no more, yet today she was very curious to find a way to help me more than ever because she didn’t want to be the cause of my death which is funny for its own reasons….. anyway seeming how i might not be around long, this place was very helpful and I hope there will always be others to help listen to people in need in this website.
All the lost lonely souls need what ever help they could get.
Thanks everyone, silent im here if you want to talk stay around please, and everyone lets all keep helping each other we need to stick together because we understand each other unlike a lot of people who dont get it at all 🙂
yes def. we all need to stick together because we’re our own group of people that most people dont understand how we feel and what we go through, please be around im here if you ever want to talk please!
Christina, I’m glad you’re still holding on 🙂 I too will always be here to listen or talk.
Welcome to the forum Christina. I haven’t been here for a while, but I’m back and I’ll be around if anyone needs help. 🙂
Agreed Christina about the putpose of this website. I’ve found it a good place to hang out for a while. I surprised myself cause I came here feeling suicidal and helpless, and then found myself gradually starting to reply to others’ distress calls. That actually helped me more than any amount of posting my own stories! In other words, by giving we also get back. Zoe X
I wish that someone could help me out but, I think I can’t feel, I can’t listen anymore.
I can try…I know how u feel though