This is what makes me happy. If only it would come true.
Angel: (Her Story)
Angel lost without word had fallen into the woods. Broken white wings and a half cracked halo, she meets a fallen angel. Fallen Angel afraid, not knowing what to do, instantly carried her.
Fallen Angel (His story) After Accident:
She meets him, he met her, as they both walk into the bright path, he grabbed her hand so she wouldn’t be afraid. Not knowing they both received wings and golden light crowns. She didn’t see what had become, but she realized that it was the man. He turned and threw the crown back; waved and jumped into the darken path.
After, he realized that the girl had followed, they both had returned home. He took her without thinking and carried her off; away to his home, never turning back.
i like 🙂
Thank You.
Is this an ongoing series on SP. Do we get any input.
You may if you want. I just wanted to share with SP that this is what makes me happy. Cuz lately been in reality for way too long.
You seem to write a lot of poetry and interesting comments. I am not very poetic or good at writing. I was thinking of employing a copywriter to make me seem more interesting by drafting my comments and posts. Would you consider becoming my copywriter.
I am not too sure. And I’m well just reaching out in a way. Right now not a great time in my life. (again).
Ok. I know what you mean. I think I’ve seen better days too.
Yea I just hope it wont be like the last time. 7 years ago but still feels like yesterday.
What are you so worried about.
My life repeating itself. but horribly worse than ever.