yesterday was a terrible day and i couldn’t stand it and my brother came and yelled at me to turn my music off and i just broke down… i don’t know how to calm down any other way… and he told me to stop whining and suck it up… and how exactly am i supposed to do that?
1 comment
Sorry your having a rough time.
Somtimes when another person tells us to “Suck it Up” they just want us to stop a behavior they are uncomfortable witnessing or having to experience by virtue of being around us.
Sometimes its said to try and jolt us into taking an action (they don’t know we are at times powerless to change it) into changing our actions or behaviors.
People don’t like to watch others (us) crying or loosing it, they are powerless to have a good solution for us so they yell and scream at us.
Just trying to put out there what others may feel or think about us when we are having troubles.
Of course I have no idea what the relationship is between you and other family members, which can be quite comlex at times.