I’m so angry. I went to school today after nearly a week off as a result of being physically and mentally unwell. I had to go see a specialised area of the school to explain why I am doing my presentation tomorrow instead of last Tuesday. Truth of the matter was it was a group assignment, the rest of the group did nothing, I didn’t get it done on time (got like 90% done) and then when I told the teacher, she told me to do it alone next class and see student services. Apart from the fact I had to rewrite it, I was fine with that. Then I went to student services today, and the person there started going off at me about how I should have went earlier. I told her that I understood, but she was busy on the day it was due and I have been mentally and physically sick and visiting a friend in hospital since then. She then went on about why I didn’t go before it was due and I told her I honestly thought it would be finished and told her about why my best friend went to hospital (suicide attempt as mentioned in a previous post) and how that put me on edge and so I couldn’t fix it up at the last minute like planned. What she said next was what really put me off.
“It’s not my fault you and your messed up friends are too weak and selfish to see the good things right in front of you.”
I ended up just leaving. Probably going to fail this assessment piece, but whatever. I just really don’t care anymore. 90% of the teachers there just don’t care about mental well being. Maybe I was just lucky at my old school when it was like 95% of the teachers did care, but either way I just have to accept that things have changed. What makes her saying worse is that she’s a psychology teacher… not mine luckily, but one none the less.
Another thing that’s stupid about my system is that they expect you to have a medical certificate every time your sick. Most the time when I’m sick, I catch it off a family member and therefore have the medication and all that at home. So why should I bother wasting time, effort and money on going to a doctor just to tell me what I already know? Yes I know they want to stop wagging, but it’s just stupid for those who are sick.
There is also no way to really catch up with your work, unless your teacher is nice enough to print it out for you or put it on a usb (luckily mine are, but some of my friends aren’t so lucky). This is just pathetic because there have been days where I’ve been in court and stuff and because I don’t want to say it in front of the whole class, the teachers think I’ve been wagging. And god forbid if I said I was having a mentally sick day. All they would hear is “I’m a whiny ***** who didn’t want to go to school” I’m just so sick of it… anyway I better go and practice this oral in case I can still get some marks or something for it.
1 comment
Good rant. And yeah, the system (which is set up that way for good reason) really does get in the way of common sense for most people…
I’m gonna tell you something about that psych teacher….
In order to get registered as a psychologist, you need to do a 4 year undergrad, and then apply for honours. They only select a certain amount of students to continue to honours year, and if you don’t make the cut, you can’t become a psychologist and you’ve just wasted 4 years of your life. Therefore, every year a bunch of psych undergrads come out of uni with a useless degree, because it will never allow them to practice psychology.
I’ll bet that asshole teacher was one of those people who didn’t make the cut, and is all bitter and jaded and went back to uni to do a teachng degree. It’s sad, really. Because they are not the kind of people I’d want teaching kids.
So don’t worry too much about that comment. It says more about that teacher than it does about you. And yeah, schol sux, but it’s just a few years, ride it out and you’ll never have to see them again.