My days are never good, and never bad; at least not in and of themselves, as objective events. They’re only good or bad based on how I’m feeling, and how I perceive things at a given moment. What is bad can become good, granted a certain outlook.
But emotions are absurd. It’s like flying a plane without any detailed instrumentation — you never know when you’re going to hit turbulence because you can’t always see the wind.
Very good analogy about the wind. I wonder if that is why I am so afraid of wind storms in general. A destructive force that is not really seen.
It’s possible – wind can be scary. I love hurricanes because you get a constant wind — ups and downs seem irrelevant when everything is moving all at the same time.
orangish well said. Thanks for making sense out of my day today.
I know what you mean about emotions and environment NOT corresponding. I probably seem “crazy” to others, because at times I’m down when I should be having fun and at other times, I breeze my way through a crisis, with a smile. It makes it hard for me to adjust to rules and regulations, as I don’t always see it as “rewarding” to do the right thing and I don’t always see it as “punishing” to do the wrong thing. It all depends on what the chemicals in my brain are doing at that particular time.
I’m good with rules and regulations, provided they’re clear and not difficult to interpret. Social cues and cultural norms, on the other hand… well, I might as well be an alien most of the time.
But with crises — I’m the same way. I actually thrive in crisis-mode. What I said about hurricanes wasn’t just a metaphor — I literally used to walk around in the middle of hurricanes. I’d drive around, sometimes, too. Jump out of the car, move fallen trees out of the path so I could get where I wanted to go… I love that sort of intuitive rush of figuring out what to do, quickly. 🙂
Orangish that actually sounds like fun. I never thought about that. My rush comes from numerous adventures, but I should really check that out. Thanks.
jael: it is a lot of fun, but also incredibly stupid. lol
So are a lot of the things I have done. Live for the rush. Only semi-rush today, paintball. I need something more my pace.