I try to see the never forever but it eludes me. My kids tell stories that make me feel like I failed them. I tried the best I could. I still do. I honestly don’t think they’d care much if I wasn’t around. When I kid about that I get “OH STOP”. I guess it’s good minds can’t be read. I try to talk to Jeff about my feelings and he just blanks out. He thinks it’s his fault somehow. So far from the truth but impossible to make a convincing argument.
People make Blake when there not sure what to say, sounds like you want someone to talk to. Have you spoken to a professional ?
Maybe I just need to stay quiet and keep my thoughts to myself.
Kid’s allway’s do that emotional blackmail. You faild me bulllshit. If you were they for them & did your beat. You did ok.
If you keep it all to yourself, you’re emotions will explode. You’ll feel worse and worse. Untill you see no other option other than death. Don’t do it for your kids, do it for your self, talk to a professional, it may help
Kids suck. I know because I was one. I was brutal with both my mom and dad. FOr a long, long time. Now as an adult, I realize how hard they had it. How confusing life in general was for them while trying to raise three kids, in their mid 20’s. Yeah, they chose to have kids. AND that doesn’t mean life came delivered on a silver platter. Life seriously fucked them over, in many ways. Ultimately, my dad fled and remarried. My mom drank constantly. But it wasn’t because they hated us kids. Although I sure did want to guilt them into thinking that! And, damn, I gave it everything I got to drive that point home!
Look. I don’t know how old they are, but your kids are entitled to their own opinions. Give them that. Think to yourself: “Here you go son/daughter. Here’s an imaginary basket for you in which to put all of your own, unadulterated opinions and keep them.” That shit is theirs. Doesn’t mean they’re right or wrong. That part doesn’t even matter. But give them the respect to think whatever the hell they want.
And THEN understand that you’re not what other people define you as. Anyone. Kids. Hubby. Mom. God. Don’t own what everyone else thinks of you. You know who you are, in your heart.
I can tell.