Everyday I walk around pretending i’m fine, I pretend my life is perfect, i’m nice to everyone (most of the time), I don’t take my anger out on random people. My parents absolutely suck yet i’m always respectful. (Maybe i’m just keeping too much to myself) I have cuts everywhere I have scars on my body and in my mind. Sometimes I just wish I could run away, never come back, start out fresh. Some people wish for marriage, I don’t … That just means I have to force myself to trust and to love someone. Which I wouldn’t be able to do because I trust no one…. I believe everyone is out to get me. I don’t love anybody .. why should I? I don’t talk about my emotions to people, they don’t care. All they want to do is judge you, tell you how you’re never going to be good enough. No matter how much I try to prove to myself that i’m not worthless, i’m never really able to convince myself. Nothing is going right, but why am I surprised nothing is ever right.
Maybe I should just stop complaining
and keep pretending everything is fine.
Most people only care about themselves, they have their own problems and don’t want to get involved.
Actually, I feel pretty much the same as you do.
You shouldn’t blame yourself for complaining because you can’t always keep all of your emotions inside.
I’m sorry that I don’t have any good advice for you though.
Thank god I’m not the only one. I’ve done pretty much everything in my life because it was what everyone expected me to do. Figure out what you want to do and go for it, do whatever it takes to get what YOU want done.