I had been scraping with a knife until I bleed (scrapes the size of a cell phone) for a few months now, on and off. I had stopped for about 3 months when school started, I had gotten a job as well. I’m 19, and in college. About 2 weeks ago, I left the country for a wedding; while I was there, I was surrounded by maybe 30 people who were around me literally 20 hours of the day (except while I was asleep for 4 hours a day). Now I’m back in my own country, away from all of my family, except for my parents whom I fight with 24/7.
I’m trapped in my room all day because my parents don’t let me out to go anywhere with anyone. I don’t really mix with anyone at my college because I never really got a chance. No one at my work really goes out of their way to eachother, other than the occasional hello.
Anyways, so I’ve been back for about 3 days now, been to work and all. I feel so lonely here. I don’t have the money to move there or go back to visit for a while. I started scraping myself again because… because… I don’t know. It just makes me feel better for a few hours. I’m not really looking for advice. I’m just venting