All I want is one person who truly cares. One person who won’t leave me when someone “cooler” comes along. One person who will support me no matter what. One person who will make my life worth living. Until then I guess i’m stuck holding in all of my emotions and trying to cope with them by cutting and smoking. -_-
Beauty, we’re all here for you. 🙂 you can talk to us. We’ll never leave. We’ll always be here. And you can always run to us if you need help.
That person is closer than you think. You need only look in the mirror.
Thanks you guys.
But sometimes I just need a long silent hug. Haven’t had one of those in years.
Aww! I want to hug you. I’ll send you an air-hug! <3
Haha thanks (:
@BeautyIsSkinDeep Oh hai der :c I know how ya feel. Just got abandoned yesterday….the girl traded up for a better guy~ La la la story of my life…
@Sinine oh hey sorry i didnt respond in the previous post.
I’m sorry 🙁
l like your answer!
I’m going to risk showing my stupidity but what’s <3 mean?
It’s a heart on it’s side. <3 since we can't usually make an upright heart, we make a hert that's lying down 🙂
Is okay. Hello BeautyIsSkinDeep wanna talk? o:
@BeautyIsSkinDeep Oh hey sorry I had to go to a job interview….haha…sad…showed up…receptionist showed me the guidelines and turns out…no facial piercings which I have but I expected that…what I didnt expect was that a guys hair is not allowed to be longer than two inches….I wish it were easier for a person like me to find a job.
Wow that is absolutely ridiculous, the first job interview I had lasted about two minutes because tattoos weren’t allowed. I have a tattoo on my wrist that is barely even noticeable… Some rules on their guidelines are just unnecessary.
It is ridiculous…..I thought a security company wouldnt be so harsh…I’m sorry to hear about your job interview. Hey if it helps I didnt even make it into the interview. I want to get a tattoo on my wrist though…and I like my piercings…meh the world is cruel to people who stand out although I looked up online and i read that some people just hide their tats and then get the job and they slowly reveal them or they wear a suit forever if its an office job and people just get sneak peaks.
Well that was last year and I had just gotten the tattoo so I didn’t really want to hide it, but now i’m mandated to cover it up for my new job. I want more though but not too many. What do you want to get as your tattoo?
A name of something I once dreamed of having…something I know I will never happen. I also want my username tattooed on my upper back lol and a picture on my back and um maybe some other tattoos. Oh you have a job? Lucky. It’s a shame you have to cover it up…its only a small one on your wrist. How old are you?
I’m 16, and yea I have to cover it up because I work in a clinic, but they don’t really check anymore.
Oh. Well that sounds nice. I wouldn’t mind working at a clinic…I love the smell of hospitals for some reason…I’m odd. So….anything else you want to talk about?
Uhm, I don’t know anything that you want to talk about? Wait how old are you?
I’m older than time itself. I was around when the first amoeba split in two. I was there. I was there when aquatic life took its first step. lol I was there when the wheel was invented haha. I’m 18. And I don’t know what to talk about.
Lol, you’re funny.
Uhm, just out of curious when you said the girl traded up for a better guy what exactly did you mean. Like she just completely broke communication with you and got a new boyfriend ?
Why thank you. I always tell my mother that she was alive during the age of the dinosaurs.
Oh and no she didnt even tell me. I ended up reading a post she directed at me saying I was flirting with girls and that she had a bf now, I red the comments and saw that she wrote that her sister asked out a guy she liked for her without her knowing. She didnt bother telling me so I called her and asked what was up with all that…so she told me…I told her she could go then cuz i knew she wanted to…then she gave me this whole bull crap speech about how she wasn’t worth it and stuff about someone being out there for me. She said something about being friends but she hasnt texted or anything. I guess all the things she said were lies. Ugh sorry.
…wow I really don’t even know what to say to that. Well i’m pretty sure she was right about there being something better out there for you. I guess one day you’ll find someone who truly appreciates you… Hopefully we all do.
No. I feel as though I’m a monster. Incapable of love or being loved. I would tell you why I’m a monster but I’d rather not have you despise me so quickly or hate or be disgusted lol and yes amazing how females are. Well both sexes seems to be pros at hurting others in relationships….I doubt I’ll live to see the day where such a person exist but for you I hope you live to see that day.
Don’t say that. You couldn’t possibly be such a horrible person as to where you’ll never find that “someone”. Don’t be so pessimistic I think there’s hope for everybody. Maybe one day you’ll be able to see it yourself.
I’m pretty negative and bleak c: And I am a horrible person lol…..terrible person…Ive done a lot fo bad in my life. A lot of stuff that cant be forgiven. I also am stupid, I fall for most girls that are there for me. It’s quite pathetic. So be careful, stay away from me im a loser XD
Well if I may ask what have you done that has made you think you’re such a horrible person? and you’re not a loser 🙁
I wont write it here. Sorry. I just would rather not spout my past where anyone can read. Anyway yush I am a loser \: A horrible soulless miserable pathetic excuse for a human…I’m more beast than human.
🙁 I really wish you wouldn’t think that about yourself, and I still don’t think you’re a loser…
Maybe not being human is a bad thing.
I like apples c: Ahaha. You’re being too nice BeautyIsSkinDeep and well….hey I think horribly about myself a lot…and you don’t know me though…so how would you know if I am a loser or not.
Okay you have a good point there … but still. Ehh okay i’m done.
Lol where did apples come from ?
I’m sorry….I’m pretty damn depressing…I’m sorry. Thanks for being so positive even though you have your own stuff ya know? But i don’t think you put yourself down you just need a good friend. Be careful around me remember I fall for girls that are there for me and stuff. I’m terribly pathetic. And I love apples and in death note the death god ryuk is obsessed with apples and kills people and Kira rewards him with apples.
Oh you aren’t an anime watcher. Haha I like anime XD I’m a little asian but not really in spirit I am multicultural sort of i guess? Death note is an anime series revolving around notebooks dropped by death gods from another realm. The death gods watch the world and sometimes decide to kill someone, in doing so they gain that persons years so the god are immortal pretty much unless of course…well thats not important. Point is these death gods sometimes drop a death note in the world. It’s a normal looking notebook, it carries the rules that come with the death notes power. The death note gives the wielder the ability to kill anyone they have seen as long as they know their real name and they have seen them. The wielder also has the ability to see the death god that dropped the death note and they can speak to them and make deals. A death god can give you shinigami eyes which allow the user to see a persons name just by looking at them and they can see the date on which they will die, the cost is cutting your life span in half.
Woah I kind of want to watch it now. I’ve always wanted to watch an Anime movie or show.. but I always forget.
Well the death gods can die….there was one death god, he was a loser low rank death god by their standards. He watched this one girl. He fell in lover with her. He knew she was going to die, but he couldn’t bare to let it happen, so he saved her life. In doing so he killed himself. If a death god intervenes and saves a humans life the humans life is extended but the death god dies. It’s a great anime, it mainly revolves around a young man who starts off with killing criminals and the like but….well you should watch it c: