I’m about to od on heroin, sorry I never got to know any of yall, but I wish u all the luck in the world. It’s this or fosterhome all my relatives are now dead and in another country. I might as well die too, peace. xoxoxo
Hiki, I know it is very very hard to try and hold on to life but you only live once. Think about the people who actually care and love you. What would they think if they found out you were gone? We care and it would hurt us to find out your dead and gone. So please don’t.
hikikomoei? wonder if suceeded? i wonder if heroin is a viable method to suceed? it sounds so peaceful. i love oxycontin, i think heroin could be a lovely way to die.
Eh, I hear ya deathbylies. Taking to the streets wouldn’t be my first choice either but too many psych ward stays leave me legally banned from firearms. I’m still hoping I can pay off some normal person instead of having to find a den of thugs.
I’m not real concerned about my physical safety, but it would suck to have my things stolen or my truck vandalized. Most of all I’m just afraid of being turned down. I don’t handle rejection well. I’m not afraid of death at all, but rejection and judgement are scary to me.
If I’m not too late, we’ll treat you like family.
I wish I was going with you.
Hiki, I know it is very very hard to try and hold on to life but you only live once. Think about the people who actually care and love you. What would they think if they found out you were gone? We care and it would hurt us to find out your dead and gone. So please don’t.
I wish i had the balls to do it too. Best of luck.
hikikomoei? wonder if suceeded? i wonder if heroin is a viable method to suceed? it sounds so peaceful. i love oxycontin, i think heroin could be a lovely way to die.
I don’t know how to buy heroin… š
die happily
Me neither, Eric. I wish I could find a drug dealer. Drug dealers do shady business. People who do shady business also sell guns.
well that is a way to go for sure. Me i am going to steal some hospital grade morphine. cant really trust the streets for my final exit.
Eh, I hear ya deathbylies. Taking to the streets wouldn’t be my first choice either but too many psych ward stays leave me legally banned from firearms. I’m still hoping I can pay off some normal person instead of having to find a den of thugs.
I’m not real concerned about my physical safety, but it would suck to have my things stolen or my truck vandalized. Most of all I’m just afraid of being turned down. I don’t handle rejection well. I’m not afraid of death at all, but rejection and judgement are scary to me.