I’ve had a hard lively mother was a drug addict, I’ve been molested, raped and hurt. I live with my loving sister now and life has been ok. However that’s not why I’m writing tonight. I fell in love and I had to leave him because of drama and all these other things. I gave myself to him. I wanted it to last but it couldn’t. I started dating another person.he is sweet and smart. But my ex is making more drama. His sisster who isn’t really his disaster came up to me and said she was going to beat me up. I do not even know her name. Then in my advanced math class someone wrote a note saying I was a slut and slipped it under my class room door. After that they wrote on the locker next to mine saying I can’t say no. I went to the staff who did nothing. I have wanted nothing more then to make people happy. I’m not a bad person or a cheater. I’ve been with only him. I don’t know why this is happening. I’m doing everything right. I’m an a student, I have good friends who love me, I follow rules, and I’ve been nice to everyone. I just want to be left alone. I feel like I want to die and I’ve tried before. People are making me out to be the bad guy but I’m not. I just want simplicity.I’ve cut myself today and I have not done that sense I lived with my mother. I can’t take it. It’s always something new like my mom over dosing, or me being bulimic, or stupid shot I have no part in but people make it about me. I’m an introvert. I’m fragile and fed up with the people and society. I wrote several draft suicide notes nut I can’t get it right. I’m always the one to say things pass and it will get better.but I can’t see it anymore. I guess that makes me a hypocrite.
1 comment
Don’t worry about making people happy. People suck. You have to find the good ones, and make them happy and theyll make you happy. You sound like a good person, so finding good people shouldn’t be that hard for you.