Hey guys. I have been recently feeling really hyper. Things in my mund have been racing. Of course, it feels prettu good. But I havent been able to focus on my school work. I skipped class twice. Â Last week I was so tired and had no energy. For three weeks I have been waking up at every hour.
I never considered having Bipolar Disorder. But I tested for it online. Usually I get 93%. Or very high. Or a very high Cyclotheymia rating. I just wanted to talk to someone that could help me figure this out.
Talk to a professional. Little online quizzes and people on a suicide website is not a reliable way to go about diagnosing serious mental disorders. Professionals get training and education for a reason
I agree with the blue monday.You should see a MH proffessional.ASAP-case if you are bipolar and are experiencing your first episode,you could be a danger to yourself or others.You could feel fine one minute and be in real bad shape the next.Especially since you have recently experienced depressive symptoms…JMO-good luck