Why is it so important for people to fit in with society? Why is there a list of characteristics that we all have to have? Why can’t we just be different….Why can’t we just be ourselves and embrace that without having society constantly tearing us down because there may be a chance that we aren’t “Perfect”? Not everyone can be blonde with blue eyes, wearing a size 0. Not everyone has that advantage. So why are we all going the distance and putting our all into trying to fit in when really, there is no perfect… That word shouldn’t be used anywhere. Just look around us.. You don’t just see blonde hair and blue eyes. You see black, white, and brown everywhere. Different sizes, different heights, different faces. FUCK FITTING IN WITH SOCIETY. Each and everyone one of us were created differently. We were each put on this earth with a different face, a different body and a different life. So what I’m not perfect… SO FUCKING WHAT. I don’t fit in with society and I’m proud of it. Because unlike the majority of you, I KNOW who I am and I’m not gonna change that. I know I have flaws and I know I’m not perfect… And you know what, I’m okay with that.
Yes, good for you. You get it. Take it to the next level and forgive those that have hurt you because I sense that has happened in your story. I actually feel sorry for the ones that do fit into the mold and go through life with privilege and prestige. They will never no what it means to endure suffering to the point of wanting no more of this life and then finding strength to move on stronger and more determined. We are here for a reason and it is definitely not to fit into this world. It is to find out what love truly means not only for those close to us but the ones that are considered unlovable by society’s mold. When you can do that then you move out of yourself and into His light where love never fails.
Watch the movie Network and listen to the two major speeches in the movie. It really outlines what our “society” is.
It’s okay to be imperfect. I am personally not satisfied with my imperfections, but i realize that unless i get to live for like 300 years, i’ll never have enough time to become my ideal “perfect” self.
So, meanwhile, i would like to be appreciated for who i am, now, rather than shunned for not being who i would like to be. I see that most people do not agree with my take on this, and so i tend to just say “fuck society.” But then society says fuck Me…
And here i am.
That’s Why.
Without “society,” it’s pretty difficult to have a good life, and to meet people who might prefer to spend time being human with you.
Fitting in with society can certainly be useful… but when the shoe Doesn’t Fit, trying to wear it will only hurt you more. I’d rather go barefoot, so that it only hurts when i step on something sharp, rather than hurting constantly, for the entire duration the shoe is worn. It’s only worth “wearing” if you absolutely cannot get where you want to be, without it.
Besides, the internet exists now. We can bypass most of the arbitrary society stuff… but when ignoring most of the world’s “society” population, the world seems pretty empty. There really aren’t that many people “out there.” Cherish those few you might actually find worth sharing those seconds, ever ticking off the clock.