I made a friend today. He first talked to me because of my skeleton hoodie. He said it was cool. Then, we sat beside each other when looking for pictures online to paint in Art Club. He searched “Skrillex Hair” when I happened to glance over at his screen. “Hey, Skrillex is awesome” I said. He smiled and said “yeah” We talked for a bit and he showed be funny pictures, then helped me pick out a picture to paint. He asked me if I were a brony, I said yes, so he showed me pony-fied Skrillex.
…So that’s the nice stranger I met today. He’s no longer a stranger to me. š
This was a pointless post, but I was happy that I made a friend. Sorry for wasting time.
This is good š I’m happy for you and talking about a good thing that’s happened in your life is so not pointless!
Sometimes those smaller events that appear to be of no importance to others (sometimes to the person they are happening to but not in your case as you shared your experience) are as valuable as a candle light that fills a dark room.
Sometimes those small moments are the best ones. (: