Born and raised here.37 years old.Male.I never felt like I ever belonged here,never fit in with anybody,it’s such a cutthroat,dirty,overcrowded,backstabbing,drug-using,lowlife,criminal city,filled with degenerates.If I ever had the chance to leave I would and never look back.Seems like im stuck here.Living here has been a major cause of my depression/anxiety.
where would you go,
You can disappear in New York without knowing it, just move, move to a neighbourhood in Wisconsin or something… I recommend you read Less Than Zero, it helps you get through life
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light- Dumbledore
I am not saying your feelings are invalid. I know NYC is a mess. The whole world is a mess. But if you can’t leave the city, look for the light. I promise there is a light for you somewhere, don’t close your eyes and expect to find it. best of luck