and I have erectile dysfunction.
I think life is kidding with me! FUCK! I CAN’T FUCK ANYMORE!
can it be related to fluoxetine? or to alcohol and/or drugs? or to excessive consumption of porn? maybe all of the options i’ve listed?
this sucks. life sucks.
Fluoxetine has sexual side-effects like that; you could talk to your prescribing doctor and see if there might be correlation and whether changing to a different med will help.
Mine too. I can’t get it up either.
I went through a phase like this. Very scary.
Solution was change of diet, hydration, substance abuse, and added vitamins to my diet.
Now I’m a fucking animal even with my fucked up spine!
it’s the Fluoxetine!!! listen none of that shit works!! it makes things even worse now you can’t fuck!!! wonderful!! look get a hold of yourself! no I’m not talking about playing with yourself!:) you don’t need those meds perhaps just a tranquilizer now and then when your in a very uncomfortable situation, I don’t mean every 5 minutes! get a hold of yourself and get off that stuff. those pills are useless! ok you tried them your not stuck taking them forever.
Anti-depressants have been well documented to cause erectile dysfunction. You are not doing yourself any good by also abusing drugs on top of taking an anti-depressant. I know you will do what you want regardless to what anyone tells you on here, but you know using drugs is just going to make your situation worse in the long run. I was like that when I was 17. I get it.