When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I was on some strong stuff. I was fully conscious and remember the surgeon asking me to let him know if i felt any pain.
I recall feeling pain but.. it was so remote.. like someone calling you by phone and telling you you were in pain. The surgeon seemed concerned when i mentioned i was in pain so.. next tooth, i didn’t tell him because it didn’t seem that important.
Thinking about it more because of the complete detachment from the pain I was feeling.
Perhaps we just need a new religion. IM already working on the scripute but position of head honcho still open and ull get to choose your title and such.
tho we could have discussions about the validity of suicide and such..
Ugh, comments. I stopped reading a couple months ago to avoid someone (who I see actually hasn’t even commented since then) and found it was freeing not to have to scroll through like 10 pages a night, some of it triggery. I’m sure I miss some stuff I might like to read but meh… I can search my username and look at posts I’ve commented on so hopefully I don’t miss anything directed at me, at least? Skimming over new posts and barely reading any is much easier to keep up with 🙂
@painnlife… you said “Something besides religion…..its a fucking cancer on society”. Ain’t that the truth! Think of how much better things could be if it weren’t for religion.
The desperate need solace in any form they can think of or believe in. It’s comforting to magnify the significance of life, believe that there’s an ethereal justice system, and to think that there’s something beyond here in which they will experience the joy and happiness they lack in this life. Not that I’m giving people to be delusional morons, I’ll reiterate PainNLife by agreeing that it’s a cancer on humanity.
I agree that organized religion, especially the big three of the god of Abraham, is a cancer on society. But however one wants to talk about it, I find great value in the varieties of spiritual experiences I have had without any dogma to cloud me from what I consider to be my truth.
Duke, what is your favorite flavor? I always eat preserves not marmalade–stores in my area don’t carry it. Why not the Marquis of Marmalade or is a Duke higher ranking? I can’t remember.
I got the name from my favourite racehorse. He really dug me out of a serious hole. The title was created by Faustin Solouque, the Emperor of Haiti in the 17th Century.
“Soulouque’s reign was marked by a violent restrictions towards opposition and numerous murders. Soulouque himself was reported to participate in cannibalism of his opponents and drinking of their blood.” (wiki) So this Soulouque…sounds like he makes Robespierre look like a nice guy.
lol dude you’re funny. Well Einstein what do you suggest we all talk about?
Einstein’s dead.. tho i don’t think he killed himself.
Something besides religion…..its a fucking cancer on society
Clevername do you mean that you don’t see the fairies when you’re on shrooms? You’re missing out man
@Persephone lol maybe the fairies pissed him off by quoting religious text
hm.. thinking about drugs..
When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I was on some strong stuff. I was fully conscious and remember the surgeon asking me to let him know if i felt any pain.
I recall feeling pain but.. it was so remote.. like someone calling you by phone and telling you you were in pain. The surgeon seemed concerned when i mentioned i was in pain so.. next tooth, i didn’t tell him because it didn’t seem that important.
Thinking about it more because of the complete detachment from the pain I was feeling.
Perhaps we just need a new religion. IM already working on the scripute but position of head honcho still open and ull get to choose your title and such.
tho we could have discussions about the validity of suicide and such..
some people can express thiere idea’s by short posts! you know.
Surely there is a materialist, atheist or nihilist around who could post something for Mr. Clever to read?
Ugh, comments. I stopped reading a couple months ago to avoid someone (who I see actually hasn’t even commented since then) and found it was freeing not to have to scroll through like 10 pages a night, some of it triggery. I’m sure I miss some stuff I might like to read but meh… I can search my username and look at posts I’ve commented on so hopefully I don’t miss anything directed at me, at least? Skimming over new posts and barely reading any is much easier to keep up with 🙂
@PnL … those would be the Bad Mushroom Faeries … nasty little cult faeries, they are 😛
godless dawg
@dawg Lol
@painnlife… you said “Something besides religion…..its a fucking cancer on society”. Ain’t that the truth! Think of how much better things could be if it weren’t for religion.
The desperate need solace in any form they can think of or believe in. It’s comforting to magnify the significance of life, believe that there’s an ethereal justice system, and to think that there’s something beyond here in which they will experience the joy and happiness they lack in this life. Not that I’m giving people to be delusional morons, I’ll reiterate PainNLife by agreeing that it’s a cancer on humanity.
I agree that organized religion, especially the big three of the god of Abraham, is a cancer on society. But however one wants to talk about it, I find great value in the varieties of spiritual experiences I have had without any dogma to cloud me from what I consider to be my truth.
If someone wants to worship a magical goat, pray to a spooky spirit or recite silly incantations that’s their problem.
But if all this time it has been god fixing matches and nobbling my horses, we’re going to have a serious falling out.
Duke, what is your favorite flavor? I always eat preserves not marmalade–stores in my area don’t carry it. Why not the Marquis of Marmalade or is a Duke higher ranking? I can’t remember.
Oh and I worship The Undead Cucumber. I found out the Flying Spaghetti Monster was just a bunch of bullshit.
I got the name from my favourite racehorse. He really dug me out of a serious hole. The title was created by Faustin Solouque, the Emperor of Haiti in the 17th Century.
Shit okay…still gotta say I really like Cherry preserves…and don’t mess around with The Undead Cucumber (I’m his top guy).
Created by Henri Christohe
“Soulouque’s reign was marked by a violent restrictions towards opposition and numerous murders. Soulouque himself was reported to participate in cannibalism of his opponents and drinking of their blood.” (wiki) So this Soulouque…sounds like he makes Robespierre look like a nice guy.
Another nice guy lol: “Christophe took all male prisoners to the local cemetery and proceeded to slit their throats” (wiki)
I guess they just lost their way in life.