I lay awake in bed complaining to myself how fat I am and how much weight I have gained amd I get up in the morning and I can literally taste how good it would feel to be thin. But then I see food. I know I could go on a diet but I have tried so many times and ended up gaining weight. As much as food is necessary to survive, I need it to survive mentally. Eating is the only time during which I Â not thinking and drowning myself in thought. I say I want an eating disorder, but I have one. Just not the right kind.
i think if you are thinking that you can go to lighterlife i know you’re probably thinking it wont work but trust me it does my mom did it and you don’t even have to give up food
I feel your pain. I often think that if I started eating healthy and exercising it may alleviate some of my extreme depression. I go through spurts of eating a box of oreo cookies a day to eating little to nothing for days on end. I could stand to lose 20lbs, but my main goal would be to give the one thing I haven’t tried a try, exercise.
They say exercise is supposed to help your overall well being, and my being certainly needs to get well. But because of the depression I don’t even have the energy to make this happen. I don’t know if I could take away the foods that give me comfort, but I’m seriously am considering trying very hard to work up the energy to at least exercise.
Even if that only means a brisk walk around the block. Maybe keeping your comfort foods while working on a light exercise routine may help. Being proactive about something. Gaining a little more energy. Maybe it’s worth a try.
I’m going to go eat a monster piece of chocolate bakery cake right now!