If some one asks me before birth “this is how a human life looks like and do you really want one?”
I say no.
Are my parents felons? Â for not consulting me to have a human life or not?
If an action of a human being hurting another human being, it is human rights issue.
why can’t  this be a human right violation?
Unfortunately, in this “just” world, we don’t get a say in whether or not we want to be born. It is a crime of god, the establishment, and selfishness to cast people into this world and not give them a way to leave. Like rats in a maze.
Your parents couldn’t have possibly consulted you even if they wanted to, it’s not their fault. It’s not the act of bringing you into the world that has caused you harm, but rather the circumstances of which you were born into, which aside from the physical setting, they had no control over.
I don’t think its necessarily a crime to have been brought into this world…of course there are exceptions…but by giving you life it did not harm you initially but circumstances made life bad for you… So they didn’t give you a favorable set of genes and a million dollar trust fund but they did give you life…..and how do you KNOW you would have turned down a chance at being a human?…what if in fact you were warned and told the risks about life as a human and you agreed to come but you have no memory of it?….life is unfair to us all….but….doesn’t that make it fair in a way?