The sixteenth, maximum retrograde
All the way down the thing
The birds they sing, do they like it
I’m never coming but let me come
The first rule, balls only after sun-down
Every-time with the liquor ice-cream
I get that kind of dream, I never dream
Baby, there is only one for me
She’s my “G” lady
But I will never come, let me come
I thought of Flappy Bird upon reading this. I fucking sucked at that game
you know what’s a really fun game though? Call of Duty, I love shooting terrorists with my fellow 12 year old friends 😀
Call of Duty is pretty chill. I am kinda curious as to how Advance Warfare will fair up, I know the COD series is a bit monotonous now but I still enjoy multiplayer matches none the less.
Plus I like trolling old people in the lobbys.
Meow meow meoooooow.
just kidding i don’t have any friends