This site, first of all, is amazing. I personally thank whoever made it. It’s a big help…and that’s all I’m gonna say.
Having said that, I want to borrow the title for a moment. You want “The Suicide Project?†Here it is, as corny as it sounds:
Live like you were dying. Literally.
Because, deep down, if you’re suicidal, you’re dying anyway, right? You’ll get to that point of your depression (only if, of course, you’ve completely made up your mind) where you end it. BEFORE all that, do anything and everything you’ve ever wanted to do. Because, people, what do you have to lose?
I’ve made a list and set a date to my death. My list, turns out, is ridiculously long. But it seems like a lot of freaking fun. And I’m not gonna die without doing everything I possibly could’ve.
I’ll get a tattoo if I want. I’ll knock up a drunk chick if I want. I’ll blow money on surfing lessons…why the hell not? I will never again have a chance to do it. I’m young, I’m able, and I’m gonna die. I’m going to go out and do some living before I end it.
And, really, who knows? This list could be therapeutic and, for all I know, save me. I could realize after doing all of these things that I DO have a lot to live for. I DO love my life. I’m NOT the villain in this story. I can rewrite my life.
I’m not preaching about staying alive and whatnot. But, I beg you guys, make a list and go out and enjoy this time. Do anything, EVERYTHING you’ve EVER wanted to do. There are no limits. No boundaries. No limitations. What’s money to you if you’re gonna die anyways? What’s time? What’s energy? JUST GO OUT AND DO IT!
And THAT, my friends, is the real Suicide Project.
The reasoning behind your message is exactly why I’m still kicking. If I’m about to throw my life away then I might as well live as fucking wild and crazy as I want to live and if I die in the process then so be it. Unfortunately I still have this mountain of depression on my shoulders that I just cannot shake. It ruins my life.
Excellent advice. I say this because my thoughts are the same, and these thoughts inspired me to change my life and keep living.
I know go out, party, drink til all hours of the morning.. I smoke, I’ve never smoked in my life and I’m in my 30s.
I want to get a tattoo but I’m not sure what to get yet.
I have long known that my life was not matching my ideal life, and now they are a lot more in synch. I still haven’t met that special someone but the more I act wild (like the me that I want to be, not like the person who was living unhappily to everyone else’s standards) the happier I am.
If I die, so be it, and maybe for once I will be happy.
This has been my logic many times that I’ve felt suicidal. I would say things like “well, if I’m going to die next week, because I plan on murdering myself, might as well try out for a part in a movie, or go ride my bike in the ghetto and talk some shit to some gangsters and laugh at them, or apply for a job that I’m not even nearly qualified for and just go in and do the interview, or skydive, or go ask some cute guy on a date with no intentions of going. You know, like really dumb shit. Maybe for shits and giggles. Or maybe my inhibitions will be lifted and new doors will open up in my life. Worse comes to worse, I’m back at square one; wanting to die. What’s to lose now?
good for you. I am glad you have found joy and happiness, and at the same time, a possible way of salvation.
well great advice except the reaosn most of us want to commit suicide is because we CANT do the things we want to do. we don’t have the means or because of circumstances. i have NO MONEY NO JOB and am DEFORMED how can i go to the beach? hwo can i travel? how can i fall in love? how can that otehr person that posted about how she wanted to be married but couldnt cuz shes forced to take care of her ill father, how can she do the thigns she wants if she absolutely CAN NOT. i have a child, i cant just go off and “do whatever i want” and do drugs and travel and blah blah. there are limitations that maybe add to our feeling restricted.
getting a tattoo and “kniocking up a drunk chick” (wow you sound like a winner) arent things that will stop anyone from committing suicide wh is truly suicidal. i’m not a therapist but seriously you have no REAL idea what a suicidal person is like, msot of us can barely get off the fucking couch, we cant talk, we can barely move because of it and even the most FUN thigns on the planet don’t sound fun anymore to a suicidal person. it takes years to get to a real and true suicidal point ad when you’re really there, nothing will help.
You have inspired me… this list could be exactly what I need. I have such a high level of anxiety that I too afraid to do anything. To get a job to talk to people. Maybe this list will finally make me feel.. alive.
You have inspired me, also.
These words ring true for everyone, I think, not just those who are suicidal.
thank you..
You’ve helped.
man I should get a tattoo .. probably one on my shoulder