I appreciate a nice dose of irreverence. I found a pork loin in the freezer that I was wondering what the eff I was going to do with. Maybe it needs some extra pig.
I would have rather seen Ms. Piggy do a nude pictorial, but I understand that this is a family friendly suicide site.
Still.., I’d still chomp on that.
Hehehe “Family Friendly Suicide Site” – this prompted my first chuckle of the day.
May be my only chuckle of the day. 🙂
Oh, and I like bacon – – extra extra crispy. Not burnt, no soggy fat, and definitely not rubbery.
Because of my disability issues, I’m not able to stand up for the length of time it takes to cook a pan of bacon.
Even if I was to sit down in front of the stove, I wouldn’t be able to stand up for long enough to clean the stove and pan afterward.
Mostly I microwave things, and I eat from paper plates and styrofoam bowls with plastic utensils so there are no dishes to do.
When I do eat bacon, it’s in a restaurant and someone else has done the cooking.
Even then, it’s a rare occurrence because holy crap, it seems like bacony things are absurdly expensive these days.
it won’t get crispy per se in a microwave. unless you burn it. trick is to nuke it for just the right about of time so it’s not rubbery. they get done really fast so most people overdo it. it won’t taste the same as in a vat of oil in a fry pan of course. i don’t cook so i nuke everything. it’ll come out good in one of those small microwave ovens so that’s another option.
Maybe that would work.
It would also keep the bacon from spattering everywhere, because the top closes down and keeps it all contained.
I could stick in three or four slices, have a seat, and smell the bacony potpourri while i waited.
That’s as good as a day’s worth of antidepressants, right there.
Plus the whole thing wipes clean with a paper towel because it’s non-stick.
Oh I guess they’re called bacon weave, not bacon wafffle:
https ://www.google.com/search?q=bacon+weave&rlz=1C1KMOH_enUS509US509&biw=1366&bih=677&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjpkLbJ8oDLAhVRy2MKHS08AFYQsAQIGw
Ooooh! And it makes 14 slices at once.
That’s way more than I’d need, but I could chop up the leftovers and use them in other things like ramen noodles or salads.
You could oven bake bacon it comes out pretty crispy that way. You wouldn’t have to stand or nuke it. Just do the tin foil like a little pan put it in the oven wait about 10 minutes then voila crispy bacon.
I tried to be a vegan once but it’s very time consuming and I also found it rather boring/ expensive/ a lot of things. I have nothing against vegans though, more power to them.
Bacon raises your cholesterol,which raises your heart rate causes your blood to pump harder and your blood pumping harder causes your metabolism to increase and increased metabolic rate burn more energy and your body dissolves fatty tias
Bacon raises your cholesterol,which raises your heart rate causes your blood to pump harder and your blood pumping harder causes your metabolism to increase and increased metabolic rate burn more energy and your body dissolves fatty tissues for energy,therefore you lose weight by eating bacon alone.
I appreciate a nice dose of irreverence. I found a pork loin in the freezer that I was wondering what the eff I was going to do with. Maybe it needs some extra pig.
Irreverence is my specialty.
I would have rather seen Ms. Piggy do a nude pictorial, but I understand that this is a family friendly suicide site.
Still.., I’d still chomp on that.
“Family Friendly Suicide Site”…. 😀
I laughed, then felt bad, then laughed again.
Hehehe “Family Friendly Suicide Site” – this prompted my first chuckle of the day.
May be my only chuckle of the day. 🙂
Oh, and I like bacon – – extra extra crispy. Not burnt, no soggy fat, and definitely not rubbery.
For bonus points, try bacon stuffed with bacon.
Or, better yet, bacon stuffed with bacon, stuffed into more bacon.
It’s like turducken, only edible.
What about a bacon waffle? 😛
Boy, you must really love bacon cordless. Ya needs to get the “Keep Calm. Eat Bacon.” shirt if you don’t already own one lol
I do love bacon, but I hardly ever get to eat any, so the daydream has acquired a life of its own.
How come you don’t get to eat it often? Health reasons? What about turkey bacon? 😛
Because of my disability issues, I’m not able to stand up for the length of time it takes to cook a pan of bacon.
Even if I was to sit down in front of the stove, I wouldn’t be able to stand up for long enough to clean the stove and pan afterward.
Mostly I microwave things, and I eat from paper plates and styrofoam bowls with plastic utensils so there are no dishes to do.
When I do eat bacon, it’s in a restaurant and someone else has done the cooking.
Even then, it’s a rare occurrence because holy crap, it seems like bacony things are absurdly expensive these days.
bacon bowl?
http ://www.amazon.com/As-Seen-On-TV-PNO11124/dp/B00HDPMXOG ?
says you can bake it too.
turkey bacon fares better in the microwave.
Does it come out crispy in the microwave, or is it like a rubbery pork swamp?
it won’t get crispy per se in a microwave. unless you burn it. trick is to nuke it for just the right about of time so it’s not rubbery. they get done really fast so most people overdo it. it won’t taste the same as in a vat of oil in a fry pan of course. i don’t cook so i nuke everything. it’ll come out good in one of those small microwave ovens so that’s another option.
I do own one of those countertop electric grills… at least I think it’s around here somewhere.
Maybe that would work.
It would also keep the bacon from spattering everywhere, because the top closes down and keeps it all contained.
I could stick in three or four slices, have a seat, and smell the bacony potpourri while i waited.
That’s as good as a day’s worth of antidepressants, right there.
Plus the whole thing wipes clean with a paper towel because it’s non-stick.
(If only I could remember where I left it…..)
Yeah, try it! It’s cheaper and more effective than anti-depressants or therapy sessions 😀
Oh I guess they’re called bacon weave, not bacon wafffle:
https ://www.google.com/search?q=bacon+weave&rlz=1C1KMOH_enUS509US509&biw=1366&bih=677&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjpkLbJ8oDLAhVRy2MKHS08AFYQsAQIGw
Ooooh, you mean like this?
All hail the bacon weave!
Though I have to admit that “Bacon Waffles” sounded good too.
hmm… does this make bacon in the microwave taste better?
http ://www.walmart.com/ip/Mishan-Bacon-Wave-Microwave-Bacon-Cooker/10400552
Ooooh! And it makes 14 slices at once.
That’s way more than I’d need, but I could chop up the leftovers and use them in other things like ramen noodles or salads.
http ://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/2013/03/14-ways-to-cook-bacon-including-my-favorite-in-the-waffle-maker.html
One thing I don’t own is a waffle-maker, but that picture makes me wish I had one.
Have you tried bacon rolls? They are delish! crispy bacon wrapped around crispy fried rice with seasoning on the rice.
I’ve never tried that, but it sounds tasty.
Euthanasia clinic:
all my problems went away 😀
although bacon is tasty…
If bacon doesn’t work, try chocolate.
Or kittens.
No! Wait! You dont EAT the kittens, you pet them.
Have a cat outside (not mine). Like to feed it sometimes. Don’t know why
You could oven bake bacon it comes out pretty crispy that way. You wouldn’t have to stand or nuke it. Just do the tin foil like a little pan put it in the oven wait about 10 minutes then voila crispy bacon.
It would probably work.
Sadly, my oven has been broken for a few months now. 🙁
I think pigs are cute but I still eat bacon.
I tried to be a vegan once but it’s very time consuming and I also found it rather boring/ expensive/ a lot of things. I have nothing against vegans though, more power to them.
I briefly experimented with one week of veganism once.
It felt awful. My brain was in a constant fog, as if I just wasn’t getting the fuel I needed. I had more headaches and was in a terrible mood.
Once I went back to a non-vegan diet, the brain fog lifted and I was able to think normally again.
Or as close to normal as I can get. 😉
There, lots of ideas. Now you have no reason not to eat more bacon 😛
Poverty is still a good reason.
But I’ll try to find a way.
Bacon raises your cholesterol,which raises your heart rate causes your blood to pump harder and your blood pumping harder causes your metabolism to increase and increased metabolic rate burn more energy and your body dissolves fatty tias
Bacon raises your cholesterol,which raises your heart rate causes your blood to pump harder and your blood pumping harder causes your metabolism to increase and increased metabolic rate burn more energy and your body dissolves fatty tissues for energy,therefore you lose weight by eating bacon alone.
This is exciting!
I’m going to repeat it over and over again until I believe it’s true.
Sorry about stuttering bacon gets me excited
I completely understand.
If you start sweating in your excitement, you could try that bacon deodorant you posted earlier.