My last single friend just proposed to his girlfriend and will be getting married at the end of the year. What little I have seen of him since he’s being going out with this girl will be diminished to next to nothing, if at all. Plus, he’s my last friend not married. I wish it didn’t really matter if someone was married or not to hang out with friends, but it does to their wives. Another friend who’s married has a spouse that prevents him from seeing me, as if he needs permission from mommy to play with the neighborhood kids down the street.
So in the near future my last friend who only hangs out with me maybe once every other month won’t be coming to see me anymore. How do I know that? Well his wife is the most possessive POS I’ve ever met. Even as his girlfriend he dominates all his free time. I can’t imagine what it will be like during the engagement and then marriage.
So I’m losing my last real friend. Its really a shame because he’s not just some “friend”, he’s actually a really good person I’d even call a brother. Now that I’m losing him there’s really nothing stopping me from just shutting down completely into starvation and a dark, violent, depression.