you have to understand that im more than an angsty teen in this world you have to know that im more than cliche
someone has to know that honey drips from my mouth because i try my best to be sweet and that
at one point or another its going to drip poison because im so bitter inside and burning myself and
while i am drowning myself trying to put out others’ fires no one is dragging the ocean
to me like i do and i am trying my best to be positive and there but god
it seems like no one truly cares and i dont give a shit about it some days and ive improved in some ways
but god i would love to see someone try and maybe i am
maybe ive turned into a fucking angst filled teen but maybe
on the off chance
maybe im more than a honey covered person waiting for the bee stings to stop
1 comment
Your description has to be the most painfully accurate ways to think about people who are suffering internally, from their own demons, but want nothing more than to hurt no one and somehow, find a level of contentment with their own existence. I am afraid that I have progressed to the early stages of the dripping poison part. I used to be able to keep up such a good facade, one that people believed. I have had a few things that I used that made appearing like honey fairly easy around most people, even though there was nothing but poison under the surface. But as life has changed and progressed a bit for me, it seems like anything I say causes more people to worry, so I mostly keep to myself. I do that in an effort to decrease how much poison I expose those in my life to when I am around. I am not a teen anymore, I am 22. But, if you would ever like to talk about your situation in a more private setting, please email me at sacrificial_shaun @ (delete the spaces between characters). Sometimes, even if we are both going through similar things, talking it out in detail can yield a new perspective. At the very least, you most definitely are not alone here.