I had a big future ahead of me, not to brag or anything but I’m pretty smart for my age, and kind of attractive, awesome grades and stuff, good health, etc. then I got culture shock(in a foreign country). try living without any friends or social life for a year. I stopped taking my “happy” pills (they’re not exactly antidepressants)because they weren’t working. I went into a deep depression and tried to kill myself several times but I stopped like 2 months ago. I really miss cutting and burning my arm, its all my dad’s fault. he thinks he’s helping me, taking away things I love doing, but its tearing me apart more than i am lacerated. I think I’m finally numb. I still have emotions and shit, i still cry a LOT, but I dont really care anymore what happens to me when i go back to america. when I get new friends I dont care if they use me, abuse me, play me, take advantage of me, I just want to find happiness and I’ll do anything to get there. I dont care if I get wasted now and then. my dad is like a really strong christian, so he disagrees with a lot of stuff. I was a strong christian but im losing my faith in God. I am afraid the devil has won me over, but honestly I’m so afraid I’ll go to Hell, thats a really scary thought. i think im a drug addict now. i cant stop taking all kinds of pills at night, it helps the pain go away so much, even though its only for a few hours. but thats better than nothing..
Hey it sounded like u believed in yourself at the start of your post. Common. Lets get back yo those good qualities. Its worth living for.
thanks, but I can’t just all of a sudden be happy again. and yes, I did believe in myself until my dad walked in and tried to fix everything because he DIDNT believe in me. so now Im suicidal all over again.-.-
I know how you feel… I used to think I was intelligent, talented and I could achieve anything. Now I’ve lost everything.
I feel like Im a useless nobody now.
Just know you are not alone though.
Hey, my parents did the same for me, they tried and it only made it worse, and my moms the biggest christian too. I get what you are going through. It sucks I know, but if you are here you may aswell talk to us. It helps.
Yeah I tried getting into magic cuz it was interesting my mom sent me to church camp in virginia I’m not a big catholic but I do believe in god he has saved my ass more than once (he won’t this time) but maybe he can save yours