im back from the weekend! and might i just add that so much crap happened to me.
some of you have heard about my bunny Onyx. he was the one thing that i thought the consequences of my actions couldnt effect. well i guess i was wrong.
I loved him so much and he was like my only true friend. he was sick with a deadly disease and crippled but i took him anyway and nursed him back to health. he loved me to. he would lick me on the face which is a bunny’s way of them telling you they truly love you. but now he is gone… not gone in the sense that he was dead. but gone in the sense that my mom took him away from me yesterday… i dont know where she brought him but all i know is that he is alone and waiting to find another home probably. and the one thing that truly hurts is the fact that i know i did this to him. My actions caused this for him. he was attached to me and now he has been ripped away.
i hurt because of what ive done to him…
and i want to finds him when im finally out of the house next year. but so much can happen in a year. some one might adopt him or something but thats assuming that my mom brought him to a place where he can be adopted. i dont want anyone else to have him.. but i dont even know where to look for him..
hes gone…
Rabbits are dire creatures, always sprouting about in their search for carrots.
I’m so sorry to hear this *hugs* I was actually gonna ask for the Snapchat name for him 🙁 I really hope you can find him!
awww thanks *hugs back*. I really hope i can find him too, im not going to stop looking. im also probably going to keep his snapchat in case i do find him. i dont want to give up hope. thanks for responding wanted, it really means alot to me. things are pretty hard now without my bunny pal