I know mate. One day, that cocktail will happen for me too.
I’m too much of a xxxxx to try any ‘violent’ m3th0ds.
Mad story, i actually nearly od’d a few months ago. Was only trying to get a buzz and well when my stomach started crampimg and the pain was spreading up the left side of my body, i started freaking out and i could feel my heart racing.
It was scary mate.
peaceful if I knew for sure that my “cocktail” is going to do the job.
like a regular Saturday night.
Trouble is, I’m back on earth on Sunday.
I was talking of a more ‘permanent’ type of disappearance.
I know mate. One day, that cocktail will happen for me too.
I’m too much of a xxxxx to try any ‘violent’ m3th0ds.
Mad story, i actually nearly od’d a few months ago. Was only trying to get a buzz and well when my stomach started crampimg and the pain was spreading up the left side of my body, i started freaking out and i could feel my heart racing.
It was scary mate.
It sounds inviting, provided I can stay in the clouds and lose my human consciousness.
It was a great feeling, floating away. But, here I am: ta-da!!!