howdy guys- seems appropriate in this context. um.. I think it’s human nature to talk about what one does, is interested in or preoccupied with, and in the case of socially taboo, illeagle, unpleasant and ideas contrary to indoctrination I guess dishonesty or silence and combinations of the two. I made some sodium cyanide last week and dissolved it in water, chased it with a glass of lemon juice and ended up throwing up a big mess of foam and having my throat burn for a few days after. it was pretty ‘swell. I live in a group house for drug addicts and pretty much think the concept of recovery and psychology is a whole lot of hot air and horse shit. all except for the first step-that’s true. I’ve been in and out of the psych ward my whole life, tried every form of drug perscribed by the dealers in white gowns and basketball jerseys alike- there’s something to shamanism but I think I’ve been horribly brainwashed and retarded by this culture to the point that it really doesnt matter what I ingest because it isn’t a perceptual issue- it’s entropy. I can’t really blame anyone for life sucking because people really do the best that they can do- all of them, and no one deliberately sets out to do what is bad or wrong by their own definition. happenstance is really to blame if you take away all the superstions. shit happens and it sucks. people are fucking boring, theyre predictable and faced, they say one thing, think another, feel another, and act in another way totally different like the telephone game- no one is consistant or honest.. no one is really responsable for anything they do if you consider how many brands of neurosis there are and how easily they fit the limited number of personality types there are. what some people do in excess theyre praised for, and when others do the same thing theyre sent to jail or the mental hospital. this country fuckin sucks, I feel completely screwed out of a practical education, I can’t get a job cooking french fries for minimum wage, I went to college, I got a diploma, I don’t know anything useful, I live the life of a common house pet and if you dropped me off in siberia with a lighter and a pocket knife.. I would probably be very cold and hungry, being immortal, death would be a lofty expectation. I was gunna join the army and an ak47 and blow my brains out and I went to the recruiters office (the recruiter was a decent fellow, he bought me a burrito and shit) they wont let me in the army cas I’m too skinny and I can’t pass the psych test, although I doubt that I’d be able to after slaughtering a bunch of forigners eating food full of petrochemicals and hanging around a bunch of radioactive bomb smog for a few years so what the fuck? you must be sane to carry a machine gun and administer genocide I guess. keep having these dissection dreams where im in knife fights with people or im poping zits on my face that are full of dead caterpillers, or my gums and teeth are falling out and im turning into a zombie..sometimes I dream im fucking this chick and her torso falls off and its just an ass with legs and i just keep going as if nothing unusual happened.. I think that makes me a masogynist pig I hope. I like dreams fairly well because they sortof level out the dull, mundane and zombie like experience of the beta state world: eat, go to meetings, sit in front of the seven eleven and watch cars go by, chainsmoke, take a shit, shower, walk around at 4am and make chipmunk noises at garage windows.. you know the usual. suicidal people are smart, you have one of the bullshit perceptual curtians drawn and are at least to the point where you are not proud of your slavery like 80% of the other automatons.. good job. that’s probly why there are so many suicidal people on here advising others not to kill themselves. I’m trying to get a grip on willpower.. i”m unsure as to weather or not I’m convinced of the existance of willpower at all but in any event, I think the thing to do is to get decapitated by a train wheel, but this requires willpower of a sort that I’m really not confident I have at the moment- my will is dogshit. it’d be nice to have that sortof willpower. I feel like sortof a paying hundreds of dollars for inneffective suicide paraphanillia over the past decade- trains are readily available and free and there’s no preperation needed, but whats the use in going to the traintracks and getting all anxious and taking my head off at the last minute cause its what the robot im stuck in is programmed to do. I was at a wake a few weeks ago- dude just up and died, it was a random freek accident, he was 28, in good health, had a job and a wife and a 9month old kid; he was just driving home and randomly went into cardiac failure. now his family’s miserable and kid’s going to grow up with a dead dad and theyre trying to figure out how to make ends meet in an eccomnomic depression. overpopulation is largely responsable for the ecconomic depression; there are way too many useless people who add nothing to the world tooling around leeching off of others or working multiple jobs for shit wages so they can go home and put food on the table for people who also hate their lives and would rather be dead (privately or outright). many of them (myself included) are painfully aware of the fact that they are responsable in part for making life suck. what if they legalized suicide? had clinics where you could go and get ******** shots and go out peacefully; I wonder how many people would go in and my guess is that it’d probly be a great many if they put enough money into propeganda for it. it’d be a great conspiracy to decrease the population. I’m embarrassed really talking about suicide because I truely believe I was conditioned this way deliberately as part of such a (maybe not so elaborate) project involving not limited to but including radio frequencies, food petrochemicals, designer drugs, chem trails, and subliminal media and institutionalization designed to condition people to A) kill themselves, B) throw rediculous ammounts of money at shrinks, meds, churches, blackmarket drugs and self help tapes ext. C) consume everything else they can looking for a fix to disenchantment D) become violent to intimidate the bougeoise into going along with all the rediculous security measures this country’s taking, their diminishing rights when it comes to police search, seisure and arrest and.. and there’s more benifits but just to name a few. waa. end rant. oh.. I have a story I wanted to share, it’s a true story: so this one time I was in the psych ward, and I’d been in for a few days and there was this asshole chuck norris lookin douchebag counselor who’d always patronize everybody, especially this one little old lady who’d been in there a month or so and just layed in bed all pilled out and told everyone to fuckoff and other than that was real quiet and kept to herself. so chuck norris was giving her shit about sleeping all day this one time and then he left her room and (she was right across the hall from me) I saw her get out of bed and walk out into the hallway in her gown into dudes office and bend over and lay a big steamy deuce on his floor in in front of the door; then creep back in her room all sneeky like. after thet they had everyone in the ward line up and inspected our hands for poo stains for some reason. anyway, it totally made my day.
dude I can’t get in the army cuz of my allergy.. it’s bullshit! lol
you’re allergic to bullshit too?
Sorry to say but the military is completely different from everyone fighting with guns and shit now. Now there’s alot of combat support units.
Even so, I honestly wouldn’t trust you beside me on the front lines. Take that as a bad thing or a good thing I really don’t care but when I need a brother to look after me I’ll put my trust in someone who doesn’t think the human race is a waste of space…
@Cherries, Haha no peanuts… apparently some porta-meals (MRE’S) they eat contain traces or something, i emailed a recruiter, Canada in case that matters.
@TC, dude almost all of my hatred towards people spawned from the moment my dream was crushed. It sucks how that changed me so much.. but we can’t help how we’re born right?
TC, do you find people with a generally optomistic perspective on humanity to be more alert? or that people who actually believe in what they’re fighting for proove more effective?
I have no doubt the combat strategies employed by the military are thouroughly planned, presisce and effective (toward accomplishing a goal which is ultimately meaningless -but nevertheless theres a right way to do anything and) with the funding and training theyre given -I’m sure they do their duty to the fullest of their copassity and are competant and organized in that.
you say brother, not a number, not the guy whos coincidentally also on the blue team, and that word has a familiar implication; so question is: whom would you trust more: someone who knows you and values you personally as an individual but isnt particularly interested in accomplishing the same goal as you, or someone who is just as deeply interested in accomplishing the same goal as you are but appathetic about you as an individual?
Holy dick, that’s the truth
I didn’t mean to be a dick about it, man. I can’t exactly explain it, I don’t trust either of the people you just described. I trust the person who’s gone through the same shit as I have, knows everything I know, and is there for the same reasons I am. I trust the BROTHERS and SISTERS I’m serving with right now, my FAMILY, the Marines who would kill for me just like I’d kill for them. No matter what I know I can trust em.
What do you mean fighting for a meaningless cause? Again, I don’t mean to be rude but you thinking it’s meaningless is the reason it’s fucking meaningless. My boys deployed right now fighting for you and your over here about to end your life anyways. He’s being strong for you and you can’t do the same for him… I sometimes wonder why the fuck I even try.
I hope you feel better about things, I do like your optimism towards your beliefs and don’t take what I’m saying as I don’t think what you believe is wrong. I just don’t choose to believe the same thing. That’s what I’m fighting for, there are a lot of countries where you can’t believe what you want.
Be Eazy, Bro
so you trust yourself essentially: “the person who’s gone through the same shit as I have, knows everything I know, and is there for the same reasons I am.”
Yea, I guess not exactly, but for the most part yea I only trust myself. I trust that mutha fucka that earned that motivated EAGLE GLOBE and ANCHOR same as me. I trust my true borthers and sisters. Who do you trust, bro?
I’m curious about that myself. I trust in the inconsistancy of human beings, and in hidden motives and adjendas sometimes not even apparent to those who have them.
So you trust the human psych?
That is the human psych, being inconsistant is human nature. so is the constant wondering why we’re here and all that. It’s because the human psych is more sophisticated brought on by generations and generations of germs multiplying and adapting to animal lifestyles then fused into different particals of (believe it or not) dust and other bacteria. All that after lots of time are germs adapting to life and finding out that the only way to live is to completely erase animal instinct and give the psych the ability to run free and make decisions. with that ability then came the ability to adapt and overcome, much similar to roaches only with the ability to feel and think. Animals don’t question life, they don’t question the reasons for why they move and think like they do. Because they have instincts that tell them that they must live. We don’t. We don’t have nay instincts at all. It was replaced by an adapting nature and the ability to learn. Not too mention we’re warm blooded mammals, that helped alot.
so to get to my point you trust in the human psych, correct if I’m wrong, to fail.
did I pass?
Nah, actually I agree with you that we are our own worst enemies. I still trust we can come out to something, though. You learn faster from punishment than rewards. Everything works in the end. Don’t you watch movies?
ya.. I watch movies. been on a dark comedy trip lately. got any suggestions?
in my book this goes =)
Fight Club’s like my favorite fuckin movie God knows that movie’s fuckin funny. I guess American Beauty has it too. They aren’t that dark but their fuckin funny.
yea, Fight Clubs a good un.. checkout The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra if you get a chance..
Never heard of it whats it about?
its a mock horror film…sortof like scary movie only way better and not refrencing any particular iconic horror movie. its a dark comedy.
Like Rocky’s Horror Film?
I liked that movie. Rocky’s Horror Film was funny. Old and cheesy but funny.