I came across this website when I was 14, depressed, and suicidal beyond belief. Listening to everyone on here as well as my own problems made me want to devote my life to helping people who are depressed, lonely, and just in pure agony.
I’m 21 now, but I still want to help people who feel the same way I used to (and sometimes still do).
My question to you is:
What would help you most right now?
Is it seeing a psychologist, going on meds, just having a friend, getting out of a shitty situation, what? Literally all responses are appreciated.
The ability to be selfish even when it means I may be a catalyst in ruining someone’s life.
How about you?
At the moment I think what would help me the most is a diagnosis and solution for my unbearable chronic pain.
I guess having a selfsteem would be good. I’ve never known how that feels. And having a friend, someone to share my thoughts with. Or having someone who loves me. But none of these things will happen.
I was forced on meds that made it extremely worse so…. that’s just me though. They don’t help at all. They have made me a more scared person overall. I am not even myself anymore I don’t see myself ever being myself again
Dodging this question for 17 hours. Was lying down to sleep, EDM playing in the background, and tears rolling down my cheeks. I just came here to answer.
What will help me the most?
I don’t want peace after death. Just get rid of this body. Take my soul and make it suffer as much as you want.
I want to cry as hard as I want to and that’s not possible if I am alive.
I want to be alone.
So, my death will help me the most. But I have to die naturally, can’t kill myself just yet.
How do you see yourself dying naturally
Hey! An accident. So many people die in road accidents. Why not me?
You know what, for nearly three months I went hiking on the highway. Pedalled for nearly 90 minutes. Praying to God, kill me , kill me , looking at the tyres of the trucks, imagining myself under them. Closing my eyes when I felt some vehicle was coming from behind.
Naturally as in an act of God.
That’s biking, not hiking.
Guaranteed success at suicide.
being the one to discover bigfoot so i can retire and buy a Scottish bagpipe band to play on my castle porch overlooking Loch Ness.
Lyrics from a song;
What will be will be
Every river flows into the sea
But it’s never enough
Which is an ironic usage of Ecclesiastes.