I don’t know why I feel like this. I feel worthless. My ex has ruined me, and I cant move past that anytime soon. I can’t do any of my work for school…I’m 3 weeks behind. I just wanna fucking die. My ex just up and left, No explanation no closure. I’m a pathetic excuse of a son and brother, I can’t even do the simple thing of doing my schoolwork, I rarely leave my room and If I do its to grab food/ride around outside. I’m not sure what the point of my writing this is. I plan on writing my note soon. I feel completely abandoned, There’s no one left.
The point of writing this, is to somewhat make your pain public, but in an enclosed, safe space. Making it worth being heard and maybe find someone with similar issues. Your ex better be ruined real good sometime in their life. Hopefully with you being already over what they did to you. Don’t stress about schoolwork too much, everybody needs a break. I hope, it stays at a note and nothing more, Stranger.!
See you on the other side.