ok so this is not bout a guy, but i kinda has to do with one… so this boy and i are best friends. and we both like each other. and he always finds away to rip my heart out. and this wouldnt hurt so bad if we were so close. both are parents are mean to us, they never treat us good. we both have friends. but they are all pretty much assholes. and everyone thinks im asain when im not. i dont no how i was born with it. i kinda look like my dad, and gmom. but whatevr tht some of my story….
Should you what ?
I’mean you atrn’t sharing much in the story/
You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t thinking of suicide.
No one at a young age should end their life, you haven’t even lived yet.
Whatever pain your feeling it’s real common for teens to go thru some really ruff emotions, this will pass.
thanks 4 the help
I got a friend, all I want is for her to be happy. She pushes me away when I try to help and won’t let me close to her. I tried to give her a present the other day and she blew me off. I can tell she appreciates what I’m doing but it’s like she doesn’t want me to do it, like she’d rather anyone but me were there for her, a huge disappointment to her when I do come through for her. It destroys me when I just want her to be happy.
We do what we can for the ones we love, that’s why we love them. At the same time, we don’t need this feeling. Sometimes we gotta distance ourselves from the ones we love, not for their sake but for our own. It hurts but in the end it’s whats best for the both us and them
however bad it gets with parents, one day you will be away from them, and it will feel so good to be free