As my soul withers and my mind sleeps there is nothing but numbness in the dark abyss called my life .I try to fight but they won’t let me, am trapped in this place between reality and imaginary.I wish it would stop that, i could be free, but they won’t let me go, they want me to remain in a state that would be easily controlled and manipulated to their tasks. I need air to breathe and stars to fill my sky instead of this stormy grey sky and dead pastures. I would ask for help, but i have to do it on my own, its my battle and even though i fail time and time again i will prevail, i will not slip into a state of sympathy for myself again, the blood flow will stop, my life is worth something no matter what anyone makes me feel ! I have my own way, my own spirit and its ready to take fight no matter the obstacles ahead.
You sound like your soul is free, opposit of your screen name.
Am just trying to reach their ,it a goal, am not free its dream i wish to be come a reality, but it is ironic now that you mention it.
AMEN traptsoul You’re soul may be trapped but your spirit is soaring.