I try so hard not to be a hypacrit. I’ve been so depressed and i’ve had sucidal thoughts running through my mind like crazy. I go to high schools talking to freshmen and them my story. I’ve gotten letters from some students saying how I saved them. But here I am going against my word. And when I think about that I just feel even worse and get more depressed. It’s not fun not fun at all. I just don’t know what to do with myself anymore.
Hey, Im feeling the same way. Life is so dull. Wish could see a way out of all this.
i am sorry to hear how you feel but the truth is that it never gets easier it is jut that we learn to accept losses better. i had everything in my life i could have asked for. i am 24 i had a beautiful wife and two kids i had my own house and a good job. one day i found out my wife was cheating on me after that it went kinda down hill i got kicked out of MY house the one i had paid for since the day we brought it i lost my job due to the depression and lack of motivation. i now only get to see my kids 2 a week (10hrs a week) and have no wife to make it better i have been homeless for 8 months and dont no how to fix things but all i no is no matter what i do i will fix it. i have tried to commit suicide once but please take the time to think about the people around you please think about the people who will feel the pain you do right now but that is because of YOU!!!! that has to be reason enough to try and work through the pain rather then letting it consume you and control your lifes like it does right now. THERE ARE POSITIVES IN LIFE YOU JUST HAVE TO LOOK HARDER TO SEE THEM. I HOPE THIS HAS HELPED ON SOME LEVEL.
haha sounds like were pretty alike, i want to be a therapist if i get that far because i love helping people with that they are going through, you may be a hypocrite but its because you want better for the people that you talk to. I get it i truly do, you wana talk email me at skyhandy@charter.net . Good luck!
I feel the same way. I lost someone close to me to suicide. I hated them for so long for being so selfish and cowardly. I used to make fun of people who said they were “depressed” and that it is a “real disease”. I would tell them they needed to suck it up, quit bitchin and move on. But now i am one of those people. And now i feel so much worse for not understanding what they were going through.