What would it take to be ‘normal’? To be happy instead of depressed? To wish to live instead of wanting to die? What would it take to be hopeful again? To love again? To feel..?…Will I ever be okay? Or is this how I’m meant to be forever and ever…..to not know the joys of happiness…..only to wonder what it’s like…someone please…I just want to be happy again….I guess that’s to much to ask for….
Perhaps we’re all meant to rediscover it in a new way. We only miss things when they’re taken away right? I know for me, it’s something I have to consciously practice or relearn.
It’s a challenge. We often equate our experience with the brilliance, and splendor that we all actually are but if we define ourselves by the simple fact that we are love and accept the challenge of loving and appreciating ourselves unconditionally in the face of everything…we’ll fair a bit better. Btw, I miss my life and the person I was dearly. I’m at a loss on many levels….guess that’s life. Good luck to you!
A change of perspective.
Softsoul and adastra seem to be knowledgeable of this so they would be better equipped to help you with it.