Do people realize how much bullying affects the life of others . the other day i figured out that a kid from my school killed himself because he was bullied . yeah shit hits the fan sometimes and bullying is the only way to let their feelings out , but honestly next time you think about dissing someone or what so ever think about it , what happens behind the doors of this persons house . do they get beat everyday . you have no idea what is going on so please dont judge .
If you stand up to a bully you could save someones life . please just think twice about what you are going to do . Theres more then just bullying to get your feelings out . stand up and save a life . please < 3
1 comment
This has happened a lot (or just more coverage) in the last few years… It is sad. When I was young (right before highschool) I would tease the kids that got teased so I could try and fit in. I used them to try and get myself cool points.
I regret it. I’m glad I grew up and stopped doing that.