I can’t help but feel the pain that others cause. They do this just to hurt me. It works. I was sexually molested in school. I told the school, but they never did anything. They said they would. I try so hard to do what is right, but I fail. I cry every night because I am bullied. I draw, sing, do anything to get my head away from the fear of killing myself tonight. I don’t know what to do
hey Bella-omy12345
i was bullied to, it sucks. what you gotta do tho is keep your head up high, show them that there wolds cant hurt you. even if they do try not to show it becuz sooner or later they will relaize its not bugging you anymore and they will stop. bullies like to know that the things they do or say hurt you, it makes them feel powerful. so if the things they do or say dont hurt you then they wouldnt feel so powerful anymore. so just stay trong and hang in there. soon school will all be over, and they’ll be working up to you, or washing your car.
as for being molested, im sorry to hear that. it just disgusts me to hear about how this happens. i can not relate but i feel sympathy for you. so stay strong, you should let the things that happened in your past rule your life. i know i should listen to my own advicee as well.
so just keep holding on, you’ll pull yourself through.
words* not worlds.