Is it weird that to me taking 40 advil for a headache seems reasonable even if you know it won’t work? I don’t see the big deal. It took me 59 to OD last time so 40 is nothing to worry about. Yet, no one believes me when I say I was not trying to hurt/ kill myself. Stupid people. They all know I don’t lie. I want to get better. It just struck me as something interesting to do. Why not try it? I handeled it fine and all of it was out of my system the next day during my psych appointment but my Dr. still flipped shit and put me on a form 1. The most annoying part of that was that – like I told him – I WAS perfectly fine and safe so I got discharged that night, didn’t even have to stay 24hrs. in observation. All he did was ruin my plans for the day. WTF. If I’m going to be honest, why should I be punished for it? This is bullshit and I keep saying it won’t work. Why can’t people just listen for 2 seconds?!?!
I love the part of post ending in question and name of it is the answer….
Have a nice Day…
Because taking 40 pills for a headache is nowhere near normal. It’s not just about making sure you didn’t OD, those pills are very hard on your stomach, yeah can get ulcers and internal bleeding just because headache medicine is really rough on your insides. So many people come to this website saying nobody cares about them, but then when we have people who care about our safety and our health, we complain about that too. I’m sure the doctor feels perfectly fine “ruining your plans for the day” to make sure the medicine didn’t burn a hole through your stomach and that you were going to be okay. You know you didn’t need 40, it was trying to get attention or help.