i am offically the whore of our school! why? because when a guy grabs my ass or pretends to grab my boobs i don’t slap or push him away like the other girls do…but not because i like it…i HATE it but i’m scared of the guys…even though they are kinda of my friends none of them would wait a second to slap me.. i know so because they allready have once when i pushed a “friend” of mine away because he had grabbed my boob he came back to me pushed me againts the wall and slaped me and told me to never do that again and he wasn’t the only one to hit me or curse at me for defending myself…so now i sometimes tell them politly to stop or say nothing because i am scared to death of my “friends” and of course now everyone sees me as a slut, and i don’t know what to do…i really am scared of my “friends” and the worse part is i don’t think they notice what they are doing to me…. one moment it seems like we are best of friends but the next they are grabbing me and calling me a whore…i just can’t stand it anymore but am too scared to say anything :'(
Don’t be scared to stand up to them. That’s really inappropriate what they are doing. Push them away and tell them to get lost. If any of them actually have the nerve to hit you then all you have to do is report them. Many bullies will stop once they realize their target is going to fight back.
Heck you could even report them right now if you wanted to although I know you don’t want to create even more drama for yourself. Doesn’t your school have security who walk the halls? Tell someone what’s been happening and ask that security be somewhere near by when you go to your locker and stuff, make sure someone keeps an eye on you and if they witness any of these stupid guys grabbing you then they will be able to apprehend them. Whatever you do you have to try to do something, if you just go along with it it will probably get worse.
thank you for your support and advice <3 but actually i have allready told a teacher about it and he said he will look into it and that i shouldn't be scared anymore because he will definetly deal with it…that was three months ago and nothing has changed…and like you said it has gotten worse….and yes we do have security at our school we even have video cameras and i am alsways some where in the near of them just to be suure but that doesn't really help either… its like the teachers and security can't see me or don't want to take notice of it.. i feel like a ghostly sex object with no soul…
Ditch those friends. Don’t talk to them anymore. Like you said to me….a true friend would not hurt you. They are obviously not your true friends and have no right to even talk to you. Ignore everyone else. I always say that as long as you know the truth of the matter…Fuck to everyone else.
@determined_rebel: you are right, and i know i shouldn’t have given you advice when even i can’t follow my own advice myself but just like you its complicated… The thing is (i don’t want to be mean) but i think there is something wrong with these guys because i honestly think they don’t get what they are doing is wrong and neither does anyone else i really think they think its just fun that is what scares me also.. They dont understand how some actions and words kann hurt someone and i have always been weak i could neva stay long mad… Its bit like when a friend gets drunk and starts hitting you and you get pissed at him but when they are they are sober again they can not remember anything so you forgive them… And sadly i don’t have anyone else and i’m scared if i hang out alone i’ll do something stupid again…
You can give advice though you don’t follow it. I tell people not to cut cause its bad I KNOW that but I still do it. I just don’t want anyone ending up like me. Same with friends…you know what a true friend is and you don’t want anyone getting hurt but you can’t take your own advice. I think its wrong what these guys are doing to you. You can find better people than that.
someone grabbing your breast or ass is sexual assault … being hit, slapped or pushed is battery … these are CRIMES!
one thing I would suggest is to keep a private notebook log of when the incidents happen so the video camera tapes can be reviewed if when you ever press charges.
And if you think you’re doing them a “favor’ by shrugging it off … you are really just empowering them to believe this is acceptable behavior with ALL women. when they do this as adults they WILL be prosecuted eventually … hopefully before they beat a woman and cause serious injury
Bottom line is, the quieter you stay about it, the more it will happen and the more “okay” it becomes … and it’s NOT “okay”
Let me or another honorable man see that shit happen and those punk would get a major league beatdown
sad dawg
Oh … and “being drunk” is not an excuse … in fact it’s a lie that they “don’t remember” … they just don’t want to admit it and take responsibility
All good advice.
It must be tough worrying that if you try to stop it, it may get worse.
You are a valuable perfect person.
You have the right to be safe from abuse.
What they are doing to you is very serious but it’s not your fault.
It’s their fault.
You are to young to have to deal with this on your own.
Good luck.