f****** right, I just need a really good method. f*** waiting for unfinished business.. any ideas? my plan is to do it before June.. is something I have to do.. not really a choice.. what about catching HIV.. and not taking the meds.. how long would I have to live
Well as we all know.. we can chose are death time place and day if its planned suicide. im not scared of death.. and if i dindnt have some unfinished business.. id of done it two years.. but like i stated.. its our choice.. so i can live a little longer, then die.. it just takes a flash second to die.. so why not wait till you handle your business then go out.. i get these urges to commit suicide..but dont act on em..not yet anyway.. althougb the time is getting closer when i will pull the trigger and leave this ugly nasty […]
if only there was a switch to simply touch and then die.. it would be so much easier than having to find ways to do it ourselves.. but you know what there’s a time to go and is our decision and I’m debating..
So I had planned on the first week in January.. but still have unfinished business, i figured id have my title loan paid off by now, thats all im waiting on… Im a Athiest i dont believe in a afterlife or some piece of shit in the clouds.. we Coexist, anyway i love taking my oxys and just waiting to get my loan paid off… which will be soon.. 😉 i do what i want, when i want and whatever i feel like doing.. nobody can stop us… not even a Fake so called thing (god) thanks for listening… […]
Started doing snow again.. just a little, been planning my suicide for 7 months.. hopefully sometime in january il have the streinth to suicide.. im a little scared…jyst have a little unfinished bussiness… 26 years is long enogh..
A month to go… if i last that long.. charcol method is what im using.. been planning for january for over 6 months… but dec. is more inviting.. see ya”ll on the other side.
Nothing can stop suicide, Not even so called God, even though im Atheist.
Just sayin
Im out
I cant want to die…. I really count the days now.. it gives me something to look forward to
January needs to come
Ive decided 7 months ago..January will be the month, right after new years cuz i wanna party, get so fukkD up for new years then go out with a bang..lol Not to mention have plenty of sex, which i get anyway.. but im gonna get more then ever b4 these last two months… so my plan is simple… take a large quantity of pain meds, then hang.. or gp get the charcol gas grill and use it in my car, which is painless and quick… damn… cant wait… hopefuly il make it two more months, stleasy to see obama get re elected.
So ive tryed 3 times the past year, but failed, so i did my reswarch and found charcol in a closed room willl do the trick, so indsted of od then hangging which os my first plan.. ima live it up until Jan. then peach out. ive been planning january for over 6 months now, so have fun, live it up, make a plan and follow.
Counting down the months.. now just shy of two months before my death… ive been planning all year.. sometime in January il be gone, its so nice to pick the day/month or even tme we choose to end our lives… well its almost here and i think it will be FUN to die… im accuallay looking forwrd to it, il post more the next few days
Evolution all the way!
Nothing and Nobody tells me what the hell im gonna do with MY body,, yea..MINE
I will and always do what I want, how i want, when i want and where i want… and i will never change.. 😉 so these sperits around me need to relize that i will never change… so they can fuck off 😉
Back again.. so i still have my plan..inching closer by the second, I dont plan on seeing 2013..anyway.. for all who know me, I am and have been having a sex spree.. and frankly dont give a fuck if i catch HIV… abyway..plan is sex,sex and more sex then im going to attempt for the 5th time to die… dame a month left to go… seems so far away but so close too..
Passed my point and pushed to suicide, im going to have somemore Fun, b4 i die.. its just really comforting knowing when,how and where i will die.. only a few more weeks i hope.. if not a few more days.
Il be glad when i die, its the easy way and i can prove that i dont have to live and take this shit/stress.. im just having fun until… i have a few more weeks to live.
I cant wait for my next attempt, i just pray i dont fuck up my suicide again, this is how i will and have to die, and very soon, the stress on my body cant deal with anymore, i need to die now, i should have died last month but im a coward and cant hang on a rope until i blackout and die, i came close but next time i will take a bunch of mucel relaxers, and trazadone to fall asleep while hangging myself, i am looking forward to try again soon, the next frw weeks, i have my funeral arrangements planned and […]
Theres something about knowing you will die soon, and it triggers fun for me, im living to the fullest my last weeks and having the time of my life, ive had all my dreams come true already so now that shit has beyond hit the fan, im so ready to die, i cant take anymore, i dont want to live, nothing will keep me from suicide, its what i need to do… but advice for you, live to the fullest before you decide to end your life.. the way my life is, i wont be ariund to see 2013 and i do look forward […]