I just want to know if there is any good in the world. It hurts my heart when I read or hear tragic stories about immigration, indigenous people, minorities, etc., and I just want to know if there are any good, happy books on such topics. I need stories that will make me happier, not pull me further into depression. So if anyone knows the titles for some positive books about other countries, ethnic minorities, or immigrants, please let me know.
I’ve been depressed since I was 12, and recently I’ve been thinking about suicide nearly every day. I have a wonderful family, friends, and a boyfriend, so I feel like I don’t even deserve to feel depressed, but I do.
I hate how bad the world seems to be. All we ever talk about in school is how terrible people can be (racism, sexism, slavery, discrimination), and my parents say the same things. I keep trying to find good in the world but it gets eclipsed by cruelty. Everyone seems to resent having children or being in committed relationships. I just get frustrated with everyone I […]