Mother, I will address you first since I have known you the longest: Well, EXCUUUUUUSE ME! So sorry my very existence screwed your life up so bad. You had a couple of options, and it’s not my fault your chosen mate was already married with a family. Now you can just go on your merry way and live out your golden years without the horror of your past staring you in the face every day. And yes, I did this on purpose so you would have to bury me. You said you didn’t think you could make it if lil bro died from his cocaine […]
I heard some cockamamy stuff about how we are babies in heaven, and pick our parents. NO WAY! I was born in 1957 of an adulturous union between my 16 yo mother, and my married 26 year old father. She tried to “mold” me into perfection to make up for her mistake. When I was 19 months old she married a man 26 years her seniir, who she discoveredto be a pedophile BEFORE she married him. Fill in the blank. Fortunately, he died when I was 10. When I was 15 she finally married dear old pop. Then over the course of the next 7 […]