I want to cut myself constantly. I wish I was dead. The only thing stopping me, is because if I failed at attempting suicide, I couldn’t stand how disappointed my family would be. Why can’t I just be happy?
Suicidal, anxiety filled teenager, who just wants to feel normal again. 6 months clean, but I think of hurting myself again everyday.
I feel so alone. It’s like IÂ have the perfect boyfriend, friends and family. So why do I consistently feel this urge to harm myself. It’s been 6 months since I’ve cut and smoked. So why do I still feel this way. Why can’t the thoughts disappear. I want it all to end. I don’t always want to cut myself. I want to stop being so tired and sad all the time. I hate it. I hate myself. I’m not skinny enough or pretty enough. I just want to feel okay again.