I usually starve myself, I barely eat because feeling like I have the control over my body makes me feel better, but why is that? Why can’t I just stop doing this and live happily ? My parents are noticing that I’m starting to get skinnier again and they might make me go to rehabilitation again..I really don’t want to go there it’s horrible but I don’t want to eat
Today it’s been a horrible day and I skipped all my meals as usual..the feeling of being starving helps me I guess
when I was 13 years old I was sort of bullied at school, it wasn’t actually bullying but I was really marginalised, I don’t know why that happened, but I got really depressed because I literally had nobody, I didn’t have confidence with my parents either so I was completely alone, because of this I stopped eating (I was already really skinny) I would wake up in the morning, go to school, then come back home and skip lunch, then skip snack, then skip dinner..and so on, because of this I got so skinny that I had anemia, a bunch of diseases..etc and my parents […]